Sunday 19th April

Back to a beautiful , clear, sunny day.  Deaths now total 15,464 in hospitals and around 4,000 in care homes .  Only England? Not sure.  Curve appears to be flattening.  9 am Andrew Marr.  Best politics and news of the week.  Report in the Sunday Times that 38 days from Jan 1 of wasted time, failure of Boris to attend COBRA meetings and failure to stockpile and order PPE fast enough.  Gove cam on later and did an impressive job repudiating claims and saying they had been on the ball and doing everything possible.

Prof. Sarah Gilbert of Oxford came on to say they were close to testing a vaccine which she thought could be strong and long lasting and ready to roll out from possibly Sept if the trials go well.  The most optimistic thing I have heard. She needs volunteers to test it.

Interviewed David Attenborough who has completed a film A Life On Our Planet. At 93 his last throw and he was adamant our last chance if we are not to be overtaken by global warming, the melting of the polar ice, breaking out of methane and the end of us. He emphasissed that the virus could not be seperated from the other catastrophes humanity is imposing on the planet.  It will be out on NETFLIX very soon.

Spent much of the day on DIY painting.

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