John writes: ANVIL was launched as a structured discussion group in Wincanton in Nov.2013 by John Baxter, Derek and Hazel Hudson. Until the death of Derek it continued to run until 2021. It evolved a tested format that works.

Basic Aim.
To hammer away and explore serious issues while showing each other respect, (ethical, political, historical, religious, cultural, social, and environmental) – Issues that face us all and keep on resurfacing. We want to “think the unthinkable” in an open, positive and considered way by investigating the work of a speaker or a book and discussing the points raised. The aim of each session is not to achieve consensus, but to understand each other, explore and test opinions.

We reached a point where we needed new members and Greg Atkins who had been attending  and I decided to open ANVIL in Martock as an open discussion group in the ANVIL style. Membership is open to anyone simply by joining our list.  Send name, email and phone please to Greg.You will then receive a reminder email before each session.   

Venue : Upstairs at The George coffee house in Martock. North St TA12 6ZD

Charge we ask £3 to cover room hire, refreshments and speaker expenses when you attend…

John Baxter enquiries 01963 34537  email